prof. Ing. Miloslav JANHUBA, CSc.

Department of Financial Accounting & Auditing
Room: | 128 NB |
Phone: | + 420 224 095 169 |
Email: | |
Other info: | InSIS |
Education and internships
- 2005 -Appointment procedures to the award of the title professor (major in accounting and financial management)
- 1993 – Habilitation procedure completed confirming the title docent
- 1990 – Appointed associate professor of accounting
- 1982 – The scientific training (doctorate) completed the acquisition of CSc. in the field of sectorial and cross-sectorial economy, finance, credit, evidence
- 1969 – 1974 Higher education completed at the Prague University of Economics and Business completed the acquisition of title Ing.
- 1986, a three-month traineeship at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien in Austria
Jobs and work experience
- 1975-1976 specialist officer production plan Čokoládovny Praha-Modřany, Orion
- 1976-1987 Prague University of Economics and Business, assistant, assistant professor in the Department of Accounting
- 1987-1989 DP ONV Praha 3, the leading software workplace
- 1989 – now Prague University of Economics and Business, assistant professor, associate professor, professor
- 1990-2004 auditor, member of the Chamber (KAČR)
Professional specialization and research activities
- Accounting Theory
- History of accounting
- The methodology of accounting for business entities
- Member of the research team of the Research Plan of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Economics, Prague (Development of Financial and Accounting Theory and its Application in Practice from an interdisciplinary perspective 2005-2012)
- Member of the research team of the IGS Economic and social circumstances of founding the University of Economics, Prague in 1953
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for the History of the University of Economics in Prague
Teaching in subjects
- Accounting Theory for Doctoral Studies (FU_901)
- 1FU201 and 1FU211 Accounting I.(1)
- 4ST323 Selected Economic Sciences – History
- 1FU561 Special Seminar
- Supervising of dissertations and theses in Accounting and Financial Management