
Ing. Mariana PEPRNÍČKOVÁ, Ph.D.

Academic Degrees 2014: Doctoral degree Ph.D. (specialisation Accounting and Corporate Financial Management), Prague University of Economics and Business 2009: Master degree Ing. (specialisation Accounting and Corporate Financial Management), Prague University of Economics and Business 2007 Bachelor degree Bc. (specialisation Accounting and Corporate Financial Management), Prague University of Economics and Business Professional Experience 2013 – now: […]

Ing. Jaroslava JANHUBOVÁ

Education Higher education completed from 1983-1987 at the Prague University of Economics and Business, completed the acquisition of title Ing. Employment and professional experience 1987-1989: officer-specialist in the financial department of the City Council of Prague 1996-1997: Czech Post 1997 – present secretary, assistant, assistant professor in the Department of Financial Accounting and Auditing, Prague […]

Ing. Václav ČERNÝ, Ph.D.

Education and internships: Finished title Ph.D. In 2003, majoring in Accounting and Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Prague University of Economics and Business University studies: finished defending a state final examinations and awarding the title Ing. in 1980, Faculty of Economics, majoring in management and planning, Prague University of Economics and Business Employment […]

doc. Ing. Marcela ZÁRYBNICKÁ ŽÁROVÁ, CSc.

Academic Degrees (2006) Associate professor, Prague University of Economics and Business (1992) Doctoral degree Ph.D./CSc., Prague University of Economics and Business (1983) Master degree Ph.D./CSc., Prague University of Economics and Business Study stays at Brunel University, West London (1991), University of Stirling (1992), Bocconi University (1996), Erasmus University Rotterdam (1996) Teachers´ mobility Brunel University, West […]

doc. Ing. Jaroslava ROUBÍČKOVÁ, CSc.

Academic Degrees (1996) Associate professor, Prague University of Economics and Business (1992) Doctoral degree CSc., Prague University of Economics and Business (1978) Master degree Ing., Prague University of Economics and Business 1989 – 1991 Practice in foreign trade interships at foreign affiliates Professional Experience 1979 – now: Prague University of Economics and Business, Department of […]

doc. Ing. Vladimír KRÁLÍČEK, CSc.

Academic degrees Associate Professor, Prague University of Economics and Business 1996 Doctoral degree CSc., Prague University of Economics and Business 1985 Master degree, Prague University of Economics and Business 1970 – 1975   Study and research stays abroad University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, 1993 a 1995 Neville Russell, accounting firm, member of Nexia International London […]